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Author | Shaklai, S.; Mimouni-Bloch, A.; Levin, M.; Friedman, J. | ||||
Title | Development of finger force coordination in children | Type | Journal Article | ||
Year | 2017 | Publication | Experimental Brain Research | Abbreviated Journal | |
Volume | 235 | Issue | 12 | Pages | 3709–3720 |
Keywords | |||||
Abstract | Coordination is often observed as body parts moving together. However, when producing force with multiple fingers, the optimal coordination is not to produce similar forces with each finger, but rather for each finger to correct mistakes of other fingers. In this study, we aim to determine whether and how this skill develops in children aged 4-12 years. We measured this sort of coordination using the uncontrolled manifold hypothesis (UCM). We recorded finger forces produced by 60 typically developing children aged between 4 and 12 years in a finger-pressing task. The children controlled the height of an object on a screen by the total amount of force they produced on force sensors. We found that the synergy index, a measure of the relationship between “good” and “bad” variance, increased linearly as a function of age. This improvement was achieved by a selective reduction in “bad” variance rather than an increase in “good” variance. We did not observe differences between males and females, and the synergy index was not able to predict outcomes of upper limb behavioral tests after controlling for age. As children develop between the ages of 4 and 12 years, their ability to produce negative covariation between their finger forces improves, likely related to their improved ability to perform dexterous tasks. | ||||
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Corporate Author | Thesis | ||||
Publisher | Place of Publication | Editor | |||
Language | Summary Language | Original Title | |||
Series Editor | Series Title | Abbreviated Series Title | |||
Series Volume | Series Issue | Edition | |||
ISSN | 1432-1106 | ISBN | Medium | ||
Area | Expedition | Conference | |||
Notes | Approved | no | |||
Call Number | Shaklai2017 | Serial | 86 | ||
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Author | Nahab, Fatta; Kundu, Prantik; Gallea, Cecile; Kakareka, John; Pursley, Randy; Pohida, Tom; Miletta, Nathaniel; Friedman, Jason; Hallett, Mark | ||||
Title | The neural processes underlying self-agency | Type | Journal Article | ||
Year | 2011 | Publication | Cerebral Cortex | Abbreviated Journal | |
Volume | 21 | Issue | 1 | Pages | 48-55 |
Keywords | |||||
Abstract | Self-agency (SA) is the individual’s perception that an action is the consequence of his/her own intention. The neural networks underlying SA are not well understood. We carried out a novel, ecologically valid, virtual-reality experiment using BOLD-fMRI where SA could be modulated in real-time while subjects performed voluntary finger movements. Behavioral testing was also performed to assess the explicit judgment of SA. Twenty healthy volunteers completed the experiment. Results of the behavioral testing demonstrated paradigm validity along with the identification of a bias that led subjects to over- or underestimate the amount of control they had. The fMRI experiment identified two discrete networks. These leading and lagging networks likely represent a spatial and temporal flow of information, with the leading network serving the role of mismatch detection and the lagging network receiving this information and mediating its elevation to conscious awareness, giving rise to SA. |
Address | |||||
Corporate Author | Thesis | ||||
Publisher | Place of Publication | Editor | |||
Language | Summary Language | Original Title | |||
Series Editor | Series Title | Abbreviated Series Title | |||
Series Volume | Series Issue | Edition | |||
ISSN | ISBN | Medium | |||
Area | Expedition | Conference | |||
Notes | Approved | no | |||
Call Number | Penn State @ write.to.jason @ | Serial | 21 | ||
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Author | Finkbeiner, Matthew; Friedman, Jason | ||||
Title | The flexibility of nonconsciously deployed cognitive processes: Evidence from masked congruence priming | Type | Journal Article | ||
Year | 2011 | Publication | PLoS ONE | Abbreviated Journal | |
Volume | 6 | Issue | 2 | Pages | e17095 |
Keywords | |||||
Abstract | Background It is well accepted in the subliminal priming literature that task-level properties modulate nonconscious processes. For example, in tasks with a limited number of targets, subliminal priming effects are limited to primes that are physically similar to the targets. In contrast, when a large number of targets are used, subliminal priming effects are observed for primes that share a semantic (but not necessarily physical) relationship with the target. Findings such as these have led researchers to conclude that task-level properties can direct nonconscious processes to be deployed exclusively over central (semantic) or peripheral (physically specified) representations. Principal Findings We find distinct patterns of masked priming for “novel” and “repeated” primes within a single task context. Novel primes never appear as targets and thus are not seen consciously in the experiment. Repeated primes do appear as targets, thereby lending themselves to the establishment of peripheral stimulus-response mappings. If the source of the masked priming effect were exclusively central or peripheral, then both novel and repeated primes should yield similar patterns of priming. In contrast, we find that both novel and repeated primes produce robust, yet distinct, patterns of priming. Conclusions Our findings indicate that nonconsciously elicited cognitive processes can be flexibly deployed over both central and peripheral representations within a single task context. While we agree that task level properties can influence nonconscious processes, our findings sharply constrain the extent of this influence. Specifically, our findings are inconsistent with extant accounts which hold that the influence of task-level properties is strong enough to restrict the deployment of nonconsciously elicited cognitive processes to a single type of representation (i.e. central or peripheral). |
Address | |||||
Corporate Author | Thesis | ||||
Publisher | Place of Publication | Editor | |||
Language | Summary Language | Original Title | |||
Series Editor | Series Title | Abbreviated Series Title | |||
Series Volume | Series Issue | Edition | |||
ISSN | ISBN | Medium | |||
Area | Expedition | Conference | |||
Notes | Approved | no | |||
Call Number | Penn State @ write.to.jason @ | Serial | 22 | ||
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Author | Friedman, Jason; SKM, Varadhan; Zatsiorsky, Vladimir M.; Latash, Mark L. | ||||
Title | The sources of two components of variance: an example of multifinger cyclic force production tasks at different frequencies | Type | Journal Article | ||
Year | 2009 | Publication | Experimental Brain Research | Abbreviated Journal | Exp Brain Res |
Volume | 196 | Issue | 2 | Pages | 263-277 |
Keywords | |||||
Abstract | In a multifinger cyclic force production task, the finger force variance measured across trials can be decomposed into two components, one that affects the combined force output (“bad variance”) and one that does not (“good variance”). Previous studies have found similar time patterns of “bad variance” and force rate leading to an approximately linear relationship between them. Based on this finding and a recently developed model of multifinger force production, we expected the “bad variance” during cyclic force production to increase monotonically with the rate of force change, both within a cycle and across trials at different frequencies. Alternatively, “bad variance” could show a dependence on task frequency, not on actual force derivative values. Healthy subjects were required to produce cyclic force patterns to prescribed targets by pressing on unidimensional force sensors, at a frequency set by a metronome. The task was performed with only the index finger, and with all four fingers. In the task with all four fingers, the “good variance” increased approximately linearly with an increase in the force magnitude. The “bad variance” showed within-a-cycle modulation similar to that of the force rate. However, an increase in the frequency did not lead to an increase in the “bad variance” that could be expected based on the natural relationships between action frequency and the rate of force change modulation. The results have been interpreted in the framework of an earlier model of multifinger force production where “bad variance” is a result of variance of the timing parameter. The unexpected lack of modulation of the “bad variance” with frequency suggests a drop in variance of the timing parameter with increased frequency. This mechanism may serve to maintain a constant acceptable level of variance under different conditions. | ||||
Address | Department of Kinesiology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA | ||||
Corporate Author | Thesis | ||||
Publisher | Place of Publication | Editor | |||
Language | English | Summary Language | Original Title | ||
Series Editor | Series Title | Abbreviated Series Title | |||
Series Volume | Series Issue | Edition | |||
ISSN | 1432-1106 | ISBN | Medium | ||
Area | Expedition | Conference | |||
Notes | PMID:19468721 | Approved | no | ||
Call Number | Penn State @ write.to.jason @ | Serial | 15 | ||
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Author | Friedman, Jason; Latash, Mark L.; Zatsiorsky, Vladimir M. | ||||
Title | Prehension synergies: a study of digit force adjustments to the continuously varied load force exerted on a partially constrained hand-held object | Type | Journal Article | ||
Year | 2009 | Publication | Experimental Brain Research | Abbreviated Journal | Exp Brain Res |
Volume | 197 | Issue | 1 | Pages | 1-13 |
Keywords | |||||
Abstract | We examined how the digit forces adjust when a load force acting on a hand-held object continuously varies. The subjects were required to hold the handle still while a linearly increasing and then decreasing force was applied to the handle. The handle was constrained, such that it could only move up and down, and rotate about a horizontal axis. In addition, the moment arm of the thumb tangential force was 1.5 times the moment arm of the virtual finger (VF, an imagined finger with the mechanical action equal to that of the four fingers) force. Unlike the situation when there are equal moment arms, the experimental setup forced the subjects to choose between (a) sharing equally the increase in load force between the thumb and VF but generating a moment of tangential force, which had to be compensated by negatively co-varying the moment due to normal forces, or (b) sharing unequally the load force increase between the thumb and VF but preventing generation of a moment of tangential forces. We found that different subjects tended to use one of these two strategies. These findings suggest that the selection by the CNS of prehension synergies at the VF-thumb level with respect to the moment of force is non-obligatory and reflects individual subject preferences. This unequal sharing of the load by the tangential forces, in contrast to the previously observed equal sharing, suggests that the invariant feature of prehension may be a correlated increase in tangential forces rather than an equal increase. | ||||
Address | Department of Kinesiology, The Pennsylvania State University, 39 Recreation Building, University Park, PA, 16802, USA, jason.friedman@psu.edu | ||||
Corporate Author | Thesis | ||||
Publisher | Place of Publication | Editor | |||
Language | English | Summary Language | Original Title | ||
Series Editor | Series Title | Abbreviated Series Title | |||
Series Volume | Series Issue | Edition | |||
ISSN | 1432-1106 | ISBN | Medium | ||
Area | Expedition | Conference | |||
Notes | PMID:19554319 | Approved | no | ||
Call Number | Penn State @ write.to.jason @ | Serial | 16 | ||
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