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Ezrati, O.; Friedman, J.; Dar, R. Attenuation of access to internal states in high obsessive-compulsive individuals might increase susceptibility to false feedback: Evidence from a visuo-motor hand-reaching task 2019 Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 65 101445
Cantergi, D.; Awasthi, B.; Friedman, J. Moving objects by imagination? Amount of finger movement and pendulum length determine success in the Chevreul pendulum illusion 2021 Human Movement Science 80 102879
Wilf, M.; Korakin, A.; Bahat, Y.; Koren, O.; Galor, N.; Dagan, O.; Wright, W.G.; Friedman, J.; Plotnik, M. Using virtual reality-based neurocognitive testing and eye tracking to study naturalistic cognitive-motor performance 2024 Neuropsychologia 194 108744
Mimouni-Bloch, A.; Shaklai, S.; Levin, M.; Ingber, M.; Karolitsky, T.; Grunbaum, S.; Friedman, J. Developmental and acquired brain injury have opposite effects on finger coordination in children 2023 Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 17 1083304
Geller, N.; Moringen, A.; Friedman, J. Learning juggling by gradually increasing difficulty vs. learning the complete skill results in different learning patterns 2023 Frontiers in Psychology 14 1284053