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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Davidowitz, I.; Parmet, Y.; Frenkel-Toledo, S.; Banina, M.C.; Soroker, N.; Solomon, J.M.; Liebermann, D.G.; Levin, M.F.; Berman, S. Relationship Between Spasticity and Upper-Limb Movement Disorders in Individuals With Subacute Stroke Using Stochastic Spatiotemporal Modeling 2019 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 33 141-152
Liebermann, D.G.; Goodman, D. Effects of visual guidance on the reduction of impacts during landings 1991 Ergonomics 34 1399-1406
Liebermann, D.G.; Katz, L.; Hughes, M.D.; Bartlett, R.M.; McClements, J.; Franks, I.M. Advances in the application of information technology to sport performance 2002 Journal of Sports Sciences 20 755-769
Melzer, I.; Krasovsky, T.; Oddsson, L.I.E.; Liebermann, D.G. Age-related differences in lower-limb force-time relation during the push-off in rapid voluntary stepping 2010 Clinical Biomechanics (Bristol, Avon) 25 989-994
Grip, H.; Tengman, E.; Liebermann, D.G.; Hager, C.K. Kinematic analyses including finite helical axes of drop jump landings demonstrate decreased knee control long after anterior cruciate ligament injury 2019 PloS one 14 e0224261