Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Liebermann, D.G.; Franks I.M. |
Video-feedback and information technologies |
2008 |
Essentials of notational analysis |
Goodman, D.; Liebermann, D.G. |
Time-to-contact as a determiner of action: vision and motor control |
1992 |
Vision and Motor Control |
335-349 |
Liebermann, D.G.; Berman, S.; Weingarden H.; Levin, M.F.; Weiss, P.L. |
Kinematic features of arm and trunk movements in stroke patients and age-matched healthy controls during reaching in virtual and physical environments |
2009 |
Virtual Rehabilitation International Conference |
179-184 |
Uri, O.; Pritsch, M.; Oran, A.; Liebermann, D.G. |
Upper limb kinematics after arthroscopic and open shoulder stabilization |
2014 |
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery |
Levin, M.F.; Liebermann, D.G.; Parmet, Y.; Berman, S. |
Compensatory Versus Noncompensatory Shoulder Movements Used for Reaching in Stroke |
2015 |
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair |