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Jason Friedman's literature database Displays records where (serial is equal to 17) 2024-05-05T18:40:36+00:00 Jason Friedman's literature database write.to.jason@gmail.com https://refbase.nfshost.com/ Web Reference Database (http://refbase.sourceforge.net) https://refbase.nfshost.com/img/favicon.ico https://refbase.nfshost.com/img/logo.png https://refbase.nfshost.com/show.php?where=%28serial%20%3D%2017%29&exportType=xml&submit=Export&exportFormat=Atom%20XML 1 1 1 https://refbase.nfshost.com/show.php?record=17 <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">Trajectory of the index finger during grasping</div> 2011-04-07T00:28:04+00:00 2009-07-06T06:57:13+00:00 Jason Friedman
Friedman, J., & Flash, T. (2009). Trajectory of the index finger during grasping. Exp Brain Res, 196(4), 497–509.
The trajectory of the index finger during grasping movements was compared to the trajectories predicted by three optimization-based models. The three models consisted of minimizing the integral of the weighted squared joint derivatives along the path (inertia-like cost), minimizing torque change, and minimizing angular jerk. Of the three models, it was observed that the path of the fingertip and the joint trajectories, were best described by the minimum angular jerk model. This model, which does not take into account the dynamics of the finger, performed equally well when the inertia of the finger was altered by adding a 20 g weight to the medial phalange. Thus, for the finger, it appears that trajectories are planned based primarily on kinematic considerations at a joint level.
Trajectory of the index finger during grasping Friedman, J. Flash, T. info:doi/10.1007/s00221-009-1878-2 info:pmid/19521692 openurl:?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Frefbase.nfshost.com%2F&genre=article&atitle=Trajectory%20of%20the%20index%20finger%20during%20grasping&title=Experimental%20Brain%20Research&stitle=Exp%20Brain%20Res&issn=1432-1106&date=2009&volume=196&issue=4&spage=497&epage=509&aulast=Friedman&aufirst=Jason&au=Flash%2C%20Tamar&id=info%3Adoi%2F10.1007%2Fs00221-009-1878-2&sid=refbase%3AJF citekey:Friedman+Flash2009 Friedman, J., & Flash, T. (2009). Trajectory of the index finger during grasping. Exp Brain Res, 196(4), 497-509. 2009 JournalArticle text url:http://www.springerlink.com/content/7h1136l805236522/ file:https://refbase.nfshost.com/files/friedman/2009/17_Friedman+Flash2009.pdf English 1432-1106 Experimental Brain Research 2009 196 4 497 509