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Liebermann, D. G., Ben-David, J., Schweitzer, N., Apter, Y., & Parush, A. (1995). A field study of braking reactions during driving I: Triggering and modulation. Ergonomics, 38(9), 1894–1902.
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Schweitzer, N., Apter, Y., Ben-David, J., Liebermann, D. G., & Parush, A. (1995). A field study of braking reactions during driving II: Minimum driver braking times. Ergonomics, 38(9), 1903–1910.
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Tenenbaum, G., Kohler, N., Shraga, S., Liebermann, D. G., & Lidor, R. (1996). Anticipation and confidence of decisions related to skilled performance. Journal of Sport Psychology, 27, 293–307.
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Liebermann, D. G., & Issurin V. (1997). Effects of vibratory stimulation on the perception of effort during isotonic contractions. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 32, 171–186.
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