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Liebermann, D. G., & Franks, I. M. (2004). The use of feedback-based technologies in skill acquisition. In M. Hughes, & I.M. Franks (Eds.), Notational analysis of Sport and Coaching Science. E & FN Spon Pub.
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Carmeli E., & Liebermann, D. G. (2007). The Function of the Aging Hand. In T. L. Kauffman, M. Moran, & J. Barr (Eds.), The Geriatric Rehabilitation Manual. NY: Elsevier.
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Liebermann, D. G., & Franks I.M. (2008). Video-feedback and information technologies. In I.M. Franks, & M. Hughes (Eds.), Essentials of notational analysis. E & FN Spon Pub.
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Goodman, D., & Liebermann, D. G. (1992). Time-to-contact as a determiner of action: vision and motor control. In D. Elliott, & J. Proteau (Eds.), Vision and Motor Control (pp. 335–349). Amsterdam, Holland: Elsevier Pub. Co.
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Liebermann, D. G., Berman, S., Weingarden H., Levin, M. F., & Weiss, P. L. (2009). Kinematic features of arm and trunk movements in stroke patients and age-matched healthy controls during reaching in virtual and physical environments. In Virtual Rehabilitation International Conference (pp. 179–184).
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