Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages  |
Links |
Awasthi, Bhuvanesh; Friedman, Jason; Williams, Mark A |
Processing of low spatial frequency faces at periphery in choice reaching tasks |
2011 |
Neuropsychologia |
49 |
2136-2141 |
Raveh, E.; Friedman, J.; Portnoy, S. |
Evaluation of the effects of adding vibrotactile feedback to myoelectric prosthesis users on performance and visual attention in a dual-task paradigm |
2018 |
Clinical Rehabilitation |
99 |
2263-2270 |
Raveh, E.; Portnoy, S.; Friedman, J. |
Myoelectric Prosthesis Users Improve Performance Time and Accuracy Using Vibrotactile Feedback When Visual Feedback Is Disturbed |
2018 |
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation |
99 |
2263-2270 |
Zopf, R.; Friedman, J.; Williams, M.A. |
The plausibility of visual information for hand ownership modulates multisensory synchrony perception |
2015 |
233 |
2311-2321 |
Dempsey-Jones, H.; Wesselink, D.B.; Friedman, J.; Makin, T.R. |
Organized Toe Maps in Extreme Foot Users |
2019 |
Cell Reports |
28 |
2748-2756.e4 |