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Liebermann, D.G.; Franks, I. M. The use of feedback-based technologies in skill acquisition 2004 Notational analysis of Sport and Coaching Science details   openurl
Flash, T.; Richardson, M. E.; Handzel, A. A.; Liebermann, D. G. Computational Models and Geometric Approaches in Arm Trajectory Control Studies 2003 Progress in Motor Control III: From Basic Science to Applications details   openurl
Liebermann, D.G.; Katz, L.; Hughes, M.D.; Bartlett, R.M.; McClements, J.; Franks, I.M. Advances in the application of information technology to sport performance 2002 Journal of Sports Sciences 20 755-769 details   doi
Hoffman, J.R.; Liebermann, D.; Gusis, A. Relationship of leg strength and power to ground reaction forces in both experienced and novice jump trained personnel 1997 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 68 710-714 details   url
Liebermann, D.G.; Issurin V. Effects of vibratory stimulation on the perception of effort during isotonic contractions 1997 Journal of Human Movement Studies 32 171-186 details   openurl
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