Author |
Title |
Year  |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Raveh, E.; Friedman, J.; Portnoy, S. |
Visuomotor behaviors and performance in a dual-task paradigm with and without vibrotactile feedback when using a myoelectric controlled hand |
2018 |
Assistive Technology |
30 |
274-280 |
Raveh, E.; Portnoy, S.; Friedman, J. |
Adding vibrotactile feedback to a myoelectric-controlled hand improves performance when online visual feedback is disturbed |
2018 |
Human Movement Science |
58 |
32-40 |
Raveh, E.; Friedman, J.; Portnoy, S. |
Evaluation of the effects of adding vibrotactile feedback to myoelectric prosthesis users on performance and visual attention in a dual-task paradigm |
2018 |
Clinical Rehabilitation |
99 |
2263-2270 |
Raveh, E.; Portnoy, S.; Friedman, J. |
Myoelectric Prosthesis Users Improve Performance Time and Accuracy Using Vibrotactile Feedback When Visual Feedback Is Disturbed |
2018 |
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation |
99 |
2263-2270 |
Friedman, J.; Raveh, E.; Weiss, T.; Itkin, S.; Niv, D.; Hani, M.; Portnoy, S. |
Applying Incongruent Visual-Tactile Stimuli during Object Transfer with Vibro-Tactile Feedback |
2019 |
Journal of Visualized Experiments : JoVE |
147 |
e59493 |