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Schweitzer, N.; Apter, Y.; Ben-David, J.; Liebermann, D.G.; Parush, A. A field study of braking reactions during driving II: Minimum driver braking times 1995 Ergonomics 38 1903-1910 details   openurl
Liebermann, D.G.; Goodman, D. Effects of visual guidance on the reduction of impacts during landings 1991 Ergonomics 34 1399-1406 details   doi
Davidowitz, I.; Parmet, Y.; Frenkel-Toledo, S.; Banina, M.C.; Soroker, N.; Solomon, J.M.; Liebermann, D.G.; Levin, M.F.; Berman, S. Relationship Between Spasticity and Upper-Limb Movement Disorders in Individuals With Subacute Stroke Using Stochastic Spatiotemporal Modeling 2019 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 33 141-152 details   doi
Liebermann, D.G.; Issurin V. Effects of vibratory stimulation on the perception of effort during isotonic contractions 1997 Journal of Human Movement Studies 32 171-186 details   openurl
Falk, B.; Eliakim, A.; Dotan, R.; Liebermann, D.G.; Regev, R.; Bar-Or, O. Birth weight and physical ability in 5- to 8-yr-old healthy children born prematurely 1997 Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 29 1124-1130 details   url
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