Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Liebermann, D.G.; Defrin, R. |
Characteristics of the nociceptive withdrawal response elicited under aware and unaware conditions |
2009 |
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology : Official Journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology |
19 |
e114-22 |
Liebermann, D.G.; Berman, S.; Weingarden H.; Levin, M.F.; Weiss, P.L. |
Kinematic features of arm and trunk movements in stroke patients and age-matched healthy controls during reaching in virtual and physical environments |
2009 |
Virtual Rehabilitation International Conference |
179-184 |
Friedman, Jason; SKM, Varadhan; Zatsiorsky, Vladimir M.; Latash, Mark L. |
The sources of two components of variance: an example of multifinger cyclic force production tasks at different frequencies |
2009 |
Experimental Brain Research |
196 |
263-277 |
Friedman, Jason; Latash, Mark L.; Zatsiorsky, Vladimir M. |
Prehension synergies: a study of digit force adjustments to the continuously varied load force exerted on a partially constrained hand-held object |
2009 |
Experimental Brain Research |
197 |
1-13 |
Friedman, Jason; Flash, Tamar |
Trajectory of the index finger during grasping |
2009 |
Experimental Brain Research |
196 |
497-509 |